PinnedCoping with cancer through HaikuI met my wife in the winter of 2018, she had lost her mother to cancer and she too was dealing with a new diagnosis of primary peritoneal…Nov 25, 2024Nov 25, 2024
PinnedStrange Tales of Crime: Case 1 -The down after the highWARNING — The following cases have descriptions of crime that some readers may find disturbing.Feb 8, 2022Feb 8, 2022
PinnedThe art of effective communciation/avoiding pitfallsWhether we’re on our mobile phones, talking to our families or asking where the shops are — we’re communicating. But we can easily delude…May 21, 2021May 21, 2021
PinnedDepression and the Memory PalaceThe method of Loci or ‘memory palace’ technique is a highly effective model for encoding and retrieving memories.Feb 22, 2021Feb 22, 2021
Rules of engagement: Improving social media discourseIt can hardly have escaped the reader’s attention that social media debate and argument are often punctuated by vitriol and ad hominem…Feb 26Feb 26
The cost of depression: Art and CultureAs is so unfortunately the case, the method of thinking about mental health in contemporary times, is to couch the cost of depression and…Feb 24Feb 24
Smile 2 and the Fregoli delusionMy wife and I went to see the sequel to the vastly entertaining Smile a couple of months ago and I spotted a rather ingenious plant by the…Nov 30, 2024Nov 30, 2024
A sonnet: The memory of JanusThis was one of my first attempts at a sonnet. In this I wanted to explore the dual nature of memory as exemplified by the two-faced god…Nov 29, 2024Nov 29, 2024